
The candidates below are officially endorsed by the Platte County Republican Party. All candidates for office are eligible to request an endorsement from the county party. Candidates must initiate this process, which includes a questionnaire and in-person interview with the Platte County Central Committee who ultimately votes on whether or not to endorse a candidate. Endorsed candidates receive no funding from our county party.

If you are a candidate for public office seeking an endorsement, please email chairman@plattecountygop.org.
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Candidate for Nebraska State Board of Education District 3

Lisa is a wife, mother, and teacher, serving as an educator for more than 20 years. She holds two Master's degrees in Curriculum & Instruction and Educational Urban Leadership.

She is determined to restore excellence in education, support parents and teachers, and redirect tax dollars toward essential priorities. She will fight for local control and traditional values, prioritizing education over indoctrination.
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Platte County Republican Party of Nebraska

Platte County Republican Party of Nebraska