Register to Vote

The Platte County Election Commissioner's office has moved to 1464 26th Avenue (north courthouse).

Register To Vote

Do I have to be registered to vote? Yes, voter registration is required to vote in Platte County. The only exception is at the Presidential Election for a person who has recently moved to Platte County after the close of Voter Registration deadline from another state or county or moved to another state after that state’s registration deadline. You may vote a President and Vice President Ballot only by contacting the Platte County Election Commissioner. 

Who may register to vote in Platte County? You must be a United States Citizen and must be 18 years old. Or, if you are 17 years old but will be 18 by the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November of the General Election Year you are also eligible to vote. You must be a resident of Platte County, Nebraska. If you move to another county in Nebraska you will have to re-register in that county. You must not have been convicted of a felony in Nebraska, another state, or in a federal court, unless your civil rights have been restored or it has been two years after the sentence is completed, including any parole term. You also have not been found to be mentally incompetent by a court. 

How may I register to vote? You may register at the Platte County Election Commissioner’s Office from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except any County holidays. You can call the office and request a from be mailed out to you. You can visit the Nebraska State website for an online voter registration option (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by a computer or a mobile device). You can register at the DMV when you are applying, renewing, or ordering a duplicate driver’s license. You can also register through the state Department of Health and Human Services and State Department of Education at the time of application, review, or change of address in connection with public programs. If you registering for the first time in Nebraska by mail, please provide a copy of a current and valid photo ID, or a copy of a utility bill, bank statement, government document which is dated within 60 days immediately prior to the date of presentation showing the same name and residence address provided on the voter registration application. 

Do I have to be a resident for a certain time period? No, you may register to vote the same day you become a Platte County resident. 

When do I have to re-register in Platte County? Any time you change your name, make any changes of address in Platte County, or if you change your political party affiliation, you must re-register. It is very important to do this as it saves time at the polls on election day and for provisional voting if you keep your voter registration is up-to-date. 

What is the registration deadline? Mail-in registrations must be postmarked on or before the third Friday before an Election. In-office registration at the Platte County Election Office will be the second Friday before an Election and office hours will be extended to 6:00 p.m. 

May a student register and vote from a school address? Yes, you may decide to register and vote from either your school or home address. If you vote from your home address, contact the Platte County Election Commissioner’s office and ask to have a voter registration form and an absentee ballot sent to you. 

Early Voting Ballot Information: The state will begin distributing Early Voting (Absentee) on a daily basis after April 4. Local requests for Early Voter Application information can be directed to the Secretary of State email at or their main line 402-471-2555 to subscribe to this service. 

Who can apply for an early voting ballot? Anyone who is a registered voter can apply for an early ballot.

Can a person request to vote early and register to vote by mail at the same time? Yes, as long as this is done by the registration deadline of the 3rd Friday preceding the election. 

How do I apply and vote and Early Ballot? You can click on the early voting link on the Platte County Election Commissioner's webpage or the NE Secretary of State webpage. Print out the form and return it to the Election Commissioners office by mail, in person, or by email at There is also a link for military and overseas voting as well. You may come into the Platte County Election Commissioner’s office and fill out an early ballot application to vote in our office. NO early ballots are allowed to be voted at the Election Office on Election Day. A Voter must go to the polls to vote, or an agent may pick up an early ballot until 7:00 p.m. and return the voted ballot back to the election office by the close of the polls at 8:00 p.m. on election cay. Agents are allowed to take TWO ballots out. 

Early Voting Ballot Deadlines: The Election Commissioner’s office may accept applications 120 days before an election. Voters may vote an early ballot in the Election Commissioner’s Office 30 days prior to a statewide election and 15 days before a special election. The Last day to receive an early ballot request to be mailed out to a specific address by the Election Office is two Fridays before the election (NE State Statue 32-941).  All Early Ballots must be received by the Platte County Election Commissioner’s Office by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day.

Voter Info


Platte County has set up a GIS map for the Election Commissioner's office. This map allows the user to add and remove different viewing layers to determine different electoral boundaries throughout all of Platte County.  Use the button below to access this map:

Need Help?

If you are  new to the area or just looking to get more information about how you can help Republicans win at the polls, please contact us.

We also have a page dedicated to finding your polling location to cast your ballot.


Platte County Republican Party of Nebraska

Platte County Republican Party of Nebraska